The Department of Agricultural Machines was established in 1952 in connection with the establishment of the then Agricultural University, within which was also founded Faculty of agricultural mechanization, today's Faculty of Engineering. Supporting educational disciplines objects are focused on technology and technology in crop production. In addition, the department offers yet another special courses focused on modern trends in the field of agricultural technology. At Researcher at the Department of wide-ranging activities. Until 1990, the research activities of the department strongly focused on agro-physical properties of agricultural materials and related mechanism machinery and processed material. Currently, the research department focuses the following basic directions: tillage, precision agriculture, sensors, robotics and growing and harvesting hops. In the field of robots faculty members regularly win prestigious awards at prestigious international competitions. At the Department and the Secretariat of the Association of Importers of Agricultural Technology, which brings together legal entities engaged in the import and sale of agricultural equipment. Since 2015 within the Department of Education also operates a certification center technology.